Aircraft Archive
the Amiens year of service during World War one was in 1918 and of course its origin is the United Kingdom. Since 1918 the aircraft has since been retired. When the plane was in service the plane required a crew of 3. No more and no less. During its active production it saw 258 units made.
This Aircraft was only manurfactured in one specific factory like most planes during this time too save production cost, skill and machinery. This specific aircraft was made by AirCo / De havilland In the united Kingdom
The Amiens was extremley varied in its opperation during the war and out. The plane was used for tasks such as ground attacks e.g Bombing and Strafing and was most commonly used as a form of transport to move supplies or cargo not exluding personnel such as the injured or vip over a long range. Outside of the war the plane was also used in commericial aviation for ferrying passangers and goods over a long range.
This Aircraft was equipd with standard .303 or 7.7mm lewis guns on trainable mountings at the nose and midship postions along the fuselage. When it was used for ground attacks it was equiped with up to 920lb of internally carried conventional drop bombs